Lofa County
updated on Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 10:16 AM 215 out of 215 Polling Places Reported |
Candidate |
Political Party |
Votes |
KUPEE Sumo G. |
Coalition for Transformation of Liberia (COTOL) |
13,325 (15.4%)
KANNEH Fomba |
All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP) |
11,096 (12.8%)
JOE Saa Philip |
Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) |
7,123 (8.2%)
KPARKILLEN, Stanely Sumo |
National Patriotic Party (NPP) |
6,674 |
7.7% |
SORSOR, SR., Kollie Massayan |
Liberty Party (LP) |
6,319 |
7.3% |
NGAIMA, SR., Samuel Kpehe |
National Democratic Party of Liberia (NDPL) |
5,823 |
6.7% |
GBOLLIE, Fayah Joe Sahr |
Unity Party (UP) |
5,777 |
6.7% |
KAMARA, Massaquoi Morlu |
Union of Liberian Democrats (ULD) |
5,503 |
6.4% |
GBEGBE, Frederick Sayon |
United Democratic Alliance (UDA) |
5,117 |
5.9% |
FARKOLLIE, Joseph Hinnah |
Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) |
4,465 |
5.2% |
JOHNSON, Lavela Koboi |
Unity Party (UP) |
3,815 |
4.4% |
KANDAKAI, Lwopu Gawee |
Liberty Party (LP) |
3,742 |
4.3% |
KAMARA, Alfred S. |
National Reformation Party (NRP) |
2,697 |
3.1% |
TALI, Phillip Saa |
Coalition for Transformation of Liberia (COTOL) |
2,228 |
2.6% |
KARBAR, Josephus M. |
Progressive Democratic Party (PRODEM) |
1,515 |
1.7% |
KOKOLO, Flomo Yanquiwolo |
Alliance for Peace and Democracy (APD) |
1,398 |
1.6% |
Total Valid Votes |
86,617 |
100.0% |
Invalid Votes * |
2,054 |
Total Votes |
88,671 |
* Invalid votes account for
2.3% of total votes |